Dow 20,000 – Irrelevantly Monumental

There are two equally true sides to this story: 1) it’s irrelevant and 2) it’s monumental. It’s irrelevant Bruce Almighty If we had all been born with 7 fingers and 7 toes we would have celebrated when the Dow broke 14,000 (first in 1999, then again in 2006 and, like your friend who has celebrated

How Do I Find the Right Financial Advisor?

Between the TV ads, recommendations from friends, and the "nice man at church" it is hard to figure out how to find the right financial advisor. Below are our suggested links to independent research on where to start your search, what you should be looking for, and which questions to ask. Not surprisingly, we think the

Market Commentary Q3 – 2016

Only the 1st Three Paragraphs are about the Election …I Promise "What will this election do to my investments?” Almost everyone we talk to seems to be both completely wrapped up and at the same time utterly exhausted with this election, so we will keep it to the first three paragraphs. Our answer always seems

Market Commentary Q3 – 2015

"It's just like riding a bike...on water." That's what I told myself this past July as a boat full of my buddies cheered me on. The five of us had gathered in North Carolina from as far away as Texas and Illinois for our Financial Planning Study Group retreat and I wasn't going to let

Market Commentary Q1 – 2015

When Millie and I got married, we had a wedding shower where people gave us marital wisdom to go along with their gift. I remember hearing cutesy advice like “don’t waste all the good kid names on your pets” and “soak up these first years, they are so much fun.” They were sweet and sincere

Market Commentary Q3 – 2014

Our son, Everett, just turned 18 months old last week. And after having two tutu-wearing daughters (Grayson now 7 and Finley Cate now almost 5) it felt like a real “win” for me, as a dad, to have my son’s favorite word be “truck.” And that doesn’t really even do the word justice, because he

Market Commentary Q1 – 2014

Chasing Returns and Wagon Wheels Growing up, I loved to listen to my dad (known to me Monday through Friday 8-5 and in this commentary going forward as “Jonathan”) as he would read the stories of Uncle Remus by Joel Chandler Harris. Harris, a journalist and editor of the Atlanta Constitution in the late 1800’s,

Market Commentary Q3 – 2013

“We the People, In Order to Form a More Perfect Union…” Last month, we sent our first kid off to kindergarten and I quickly discovered one of the joys of parenthood: learning from your kids. Every morning in September, all the students at her school would recite (well, really sing the “Schoolhouse Rock!” version of)

Market Commentary Q1 – 2013

Margin of Safety, simply put, is the world’s oldest and cheapest form of insurance against stupidity, overconfidence and bad luck…and a few months ago, I apparently needed insurance against all three. With the arrival of our third child on the horizon, my wife finally gave up her cool mom image and decided she needed a