It’s More Than Money

4 Myths About Roth IRAs

“Is a Roth IRA right for me?” is a simple question with a complex answer. Even worse, myths and misconceptions surrounding Roth IRAs make them seem more complicated than they are. We’ll address the four most common rules covering withdrawals, contribution limits, home purchases, and taxes. Even if these rules don’t apply to you, it’s

Q1 2018 Market Commentary

The Return of Investor Pain and Volatility Every few weeks, Jonathan slides a chair up to my desk and pulls out an updated version of a chart, the Investor Pain Index. If you search for it online, you won’t find it. To call it “proprietary” would be accurate but (says Jonathan) far too complementary. The

Explaining Market Losses to a 10 Year-Old

Today the Dow Jones experienced a 4% drop, closing below 24,000 for the first time since November 28th (just 72 days ago). Furthermore, in the last 9 trading days, the Dow has dropped 10.3% from it’s all-time high (thus officially earning the name “a correction”). While it’s unsettling to see a pullback in the market,

Life Lessons: Mr. Early Achiever

I’ve never enjoyed waiting for things. Patience is a muscle I’ve had to exercise and strengthen, whether I’ve wanted to or not. Ironically, one of the hardest things to wait patiently for is “experience.” Of course, always looking for a more efficient way, I wondered if I could gather up others’ experiences and learn from

Tax Bill Update and Resources

For better or worse, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) has been signed into law. While it would be fun (is that the right word?) to explore the estimated impacts on our country and economy here, it would be more helpful to take some of our own advice and focus on the more certain

Is Social Security Going Bankrupt?

In short, yes. But don’t take our word for it: as seen in their 2017 annual report, the Social Security and Medicare Board of Trustees “project that the combined trust funds will be depleted in 2034“. However, the Social Security Administration and Congress have a few “levers” they can pull to extend this 2034 date