Nothing has changed except our logo…
…and the letterhead, business cards, and of course the new website. After nearly 30 years as Jonathan Smith & Co. Investment Counsel we have changed our name to Smith Partners Wealth Management. When I founded Jonathan Smith & Co., it was just that: me, breaking free from the commission-driven world of securities sales.

The “& Co.” soon became as important to our clients as I was. We have intentionally grown our team approach to comprehensive financial planning and investment management such that the name “Jonathan Smith & Co.” no longer captures the nature of what we are about.
After many years of pondering a name change, we finally chose Smith Partners Wealth Management. For us, the most important word in our name is Partners:
Partners With Our Clients – We have grown to be trusted partners with our clients in shaping their futures. We have the privilege of walking along side our clients through major turning points in their lives and are honored to speak into decisions that can impact generations.
Partnering Within Our Firm – Many advisors call themselves a team, but in reality they simply share office space and an administrative assistant. At SPWM we take a true team approach to helping clients. While each of our clients will have a point of contact they gravitate toward, our approach affords our clients the reassurance that their particular financial situation is handled by a true team seeing all sides of their financial picture.
Partnering With Other Professionals – Whether we are simply a second set of ears in the attorney’s estate planning meeting or if we’re working directly with a client’s CPA, our welcomed collaborative approach with other multi-disciplinary professionals is designed to give more to our clients.
In my mid-60s now and being in the “retirement” business, I often get the question of when I will actually retire and if the name change is part of that. The answer is “yes” and “no”. One day I’m sure I will step back some from this calling (it’s not a job or even a “business”) but I hope that day isn’t anytime soon. I have seen over the years that many of our happiest clients have worked in jobs they loved for as long as they could. To borrow the phrase from 86 year-old Warren Buffettt, I still tap dance into work and hope to do so for as long as I am able.
On the other hand, I also have a vision for Smith Partners Wealth Management that lasts far longer than my career or even Justin’s some 30-40 years down the road. Today we have the honor of helping a handful of 3rd and 4th generation clients (of course the 4th generation is still in diapers.) Our hope is that in 100 years, our firm is still in place, helping out 6th and 7th generation clients. We believe that we’re already putting that vision into practice. But to really capture the longer vision, we needed a name that conveyed it. We’re thankful for the first 29 years and look forward to the next 100.